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Caitlin Lambert @ CaitlinALambert

I Miss You Guys!

I know I've been MIA this week on the blog, and I am so sorry about that. I didn't post Wednesday, and there is no post for today either. As much as I LOVE being there for you guys twice a week, I only have two hands and one brain, and I have been in overdrive lately. So many things have hit me all at once, and I am swimming in a thousand responsibilities and preparing for a lot of upcoming events (exciting events, but stressful and time-consuming too). I hope to share more details in the future. Thank you for understanding, and I will be back in action this upcoming week with new posts. I will also be doing an interview on a fellow writer's blog, where I'll be answering questions about querying and my books, so stay tuned for that! My Q&A video will be going live this week (finally), after some technical difficulties, so to everyone who asked me questions... thank you for your patience =) Have a great Saturday, and I'll catch you next week!

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